A message from Kurt about automating communication

Customer referrals are your most effective advertising. Providing them with information and detailed job updates is an important part of their experience. Cilio can help you improve your level of customer communication with less effort. Watch this quick message automated communication.


Hey, it's Kurt with Cilio Technologies. Did you know your best referrals come from the homeowners that you work with? Unfortunately, sometimes those homeowners are going to give you a bad review because they had a bad experience or a bad interaction.

I hear homeowners say all the time, 'Oh, contractors don't return phone calls' or 'They don't show up when they say they're going to show up' or 'The job didn't start on the day that they said the job was going to start.' 

How do you communicate those updates with your customers? How do you communicate a status change or a schedule change without taking time away from your busy day or adding an extra person in the office to do that work?

Wouldn't it be great if those homeowners could just get an automated update of a schedule change or a status change right on their cell phone? Remember, those customers are your walking and talking advertisements. By giving them a better experience, you're ultimately going to get more work.

I was a contractor, now I work with contractors and teach them how to use technology in a smart way. Give me a call, not just to talk about our product, but to talk about your process and how we can help separate yourself from your competition. Have a great day!"


Ready to talk shop?

Call Kurt for a quick chat. Tell him about your pain points, and we’ll help determine if Cilio is the right tool for you. Or, book a demo to see first-hand what we do.

Kurt Jason
(414) 788-6254

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